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 Skin made by  Willstar - Red Army Clan

Name [GAF]Daffy
Punkbuster GUID ... c63d5669 (Die letzten 8 Zeichen)
Kills 4902
Gestorben 5593
TeamKills 355
Selbstmorde 57
Ratio 0.8765
Gesamtspielzeit 4 Days - 18:41:10
Beliebteste Map
gespielt: 23

Meist genutzte Aliases
Zähler Alias
263 [GAF]Daffy
59 [GAF]Marcel
37 [GAF]BadBoy
4 Hallo
2 UnnamedPlayer
Beliebteste Waffe
M4 Carbine with ACOG Scope
M4 Carbine with ACOG Scope
Getötete Spieler: 1041
Letzte gespielte Runden
Nr. gespielt am Runden Details
1 2008-06-29 07:44:14 Details Team Deathmatch Ambush Ambush
2 2008-06-29 07:29:58 Details Headquarters District District
3 2008-06-29 07:13:56 Details Team Deathmatch CargoShip CargoShip
4 2008-06-29 06:27:49 Details Search and Destroy Bog Bog
5 2008-06-22 12:14:37 Details Team Deathmatch mp_killhouse mp_killhouse
6 2008-06-22 12:01:06 Details Team Deathmatch Carentan Carentan
7 2008-06-22 11:29:10 Details Team Deathmatch mp_creek mp_creek
8 2008-06-22 10:59:23 Details Team Deathmatch mp_broadcast mp_broadcast
9 2008-06-20 15:21:00 Details Team Deathmatch Pipeline Pipeline
10 2008-06-19 16:07:54 Details Team Deathmatch mp_broadcast mp_broadcast

Letzten 10 Spieler Zitate
Runden Details   nein 
Runden Details   mann kann ned abstimmen 
Runden Details   hi 
Runden Details   jap 
Runden Details   i hab mal auf creek mit schrotflinte gespiel 
Runden Details   spielen wir mal nur mit schrotflinte 
Runden Details   habt ihr nee schrotflinte 
Runden Details   ka weiß ned 
Runden Details   ned da 
Runden Details   jap 
Meist genutzte Waffen
Waffen Kills Ratio
M4 Carbine with ACOG Scope M4 Carbine with ACOG Scope 1041  100 
M4 Carbine with Reflex Scope M4 Carbine with Reflex Scope 438  42 
M4 Carbine with Silencer M4 Carbine with Silencer 322  30 
Claymore Claymore 279  26 
M16A4 with Reflex Scope M16A4 with Reflex Scope 254  24 
Mini-Uzi with Reflex Scope Mini-Uzi with Reflex Scope 247  23 
Frag Grenade Frag Grenade 162  15 
P90 with Reflex Scope P90 with Reflex Scope 159  15 
M1014 with Grip M1014 with Grip 145  13 
RPD with Reflex Scope RPD with Reflex Scope 137  13 
M9 M9 111  10 
Cobra 20mm Cobra 20mm 94  9 
M21 M21 83  7 
AK47 with ACOG Scope AK47 with ACOG Scope 82  7 
G36C with Reflex Scope G36C with Reflex Scope 82  7 
AK47 with Grenade Launcher AK47 with Grenade Launcher 80  7 
Winchester 1200 Winchester 1200 76  7 
MP5 with Silencer MP5 with Silencer 76  7 
M60E4 with Reflex Scope M60E4 with Reflex Scope 74  7 
Artillery Artillery 66  6 
M4 Carbine with Grenade Launcher M4 Carbine with Grenade Launcher 64  6 
Winchester 1200 with Grip Winchester 1200 with Grip 63  6 
MP44 MP44 62  5 
Frag Grenade Short Frag Grenade Short 61  5 
M1014 M1014 54  5 
MP5 MP5 54  5 
USP .45 with Silencer USP .45 with Silencer 50  4 
M9 with Silencer M9 with Silencer 43  4 
Barret .50cal Barret .50cal 43  4 
Colt 45 with Silencer Colt 45 with Silencer 35  3 
M249 SAW M249 SAW 33  3 
P90 with Silencer P90 with Silencer 30  2 
M40A3 M40A3 27  2 
M21 with ACOG Scope M21 with ACOG Scope 25  2 
USP .45 USP .45 24  2 
Remington 700 Remington 700 21  2 
Desert Eagle Gold Desert Eagle Gold 16  1 
Dragunov Dragunov 14  1 
Mini-Uzi Mini-Uzi 14  1 
G3 with Silencer G3 with Silencer 13  1 
M16A4 M16A4 13  1 
G36C with ACOG Scope G36C with ACOG Scope 12  1 
G36C with Grenade Launcher G36C with Grenade Launcher 11  1 
M249 SAW with Bipod (Crouching) M249 SAW with Bipod (Crouching) 10  0 
AK47 with Silencer AK47 with Silencer 9  0 
M60E4 with ACOG Scope M60E4 with ACOG Scope 9  0 
Desert Egale Desert Egale 8  0 
M1014 with Reflex Scope M1014 with Reflex Scope 7  0 
M249 SAW with Reflex Scope M249 SAW with Reflex Scope 7  0 
Car Explosion Car Explosion 7  0 
M16A4 with ACOG Scope M16A4 with ACOG Scope 7  0 
M14 with Grenade Launcher M14 with Grenade Launcher 6  0 
P90 P90 5  0 
AK47 AK47 5  0 
MP5 with Reflex Scope MP5 with Reflex Scope 4  0 
M16A4 with Grenade Launcher M16A4 with Grenade Launcher 4  0 
G36C G36C 4  0 
No Weapon at all No Weapon at all 4  0 
M249 SAW with Bipd (Standing) M249 SAW with Bipd (Standing) 3  0 
M60E4 M60E4 2  0 
Stun Grenade Stun Grenade 2  0 
M14 with Silencer M14 with Silencer 2  0 
RPG RPG 2  0 
M14 with Reflex Scope M14 with Reflex Scope 1  0 
RPD with Grip RPD with Grip 1  0 
G3 with Reflex Scope G3 with Reflex Scope 1  0 
MP5 with ACOG Scope MP5 with ACOG Scope 1  0 
P90 with ACOG Scope P90 with ACOG Scope 1  0 
Meist gespielte Maps
Map Mapname Gespielte Zeit Ratio
Crash Crash 23  100 
Bog Bog 22  95 
CargoShip CargoShip 21  91 
Ambush Ambush 20  86 
Pipeline Pipeline 18  78 
Shipment Shipment 17  73 
Crossfire Crossfire 17  73 
Countdown Countdown 17  73 
Downpour Downpour 16  69 
mp_broadcast mp_broadcast 15  65 
Beliebteste Opfer
Opfer Name: Kills Ratio
[GAF]Felix 466  100 
[GAF]Kalibo 450  96 
[GAF]Gisi 293  62 
ViennaOldBoy 253  54 
[GAF]Blue 189  40 
[GAF]Puntigamer 187  40 
[GAF]McFly 136  29 
[GAF]Pidie 131  28 
[GAF]FIF 124  26 
[GAF]Bernd 122  26 
Connery 77  16 
[GAF]Gisi 73  15 
[I.S.C]Scorpion 44  9 
[I.S.C]Yagor*IT 38  8 
[GAF]SIDT 37  7 
Am häufigsten getötet von
Killer Name: Kills Ratio
[GAF]Felix 575  100 
[GAF]Kalibo 472  82 
[GAF]Blue 280  48 
[GAF]Gisi 280  48 
ViennaOldBoy 202  35 
[GAF]Pidie 189  32 
[GAF]Bernd 186  32 
[GAF]Puntigamer 174  30 
[GAF]FIF 165  28 
Connery 91  15 
[GAF]McFly 62  10 
[GAF]Gisi 60  10 
[I.S.C]Yagor*IT 57  9 
blindMan 45  7 
Akley 42  7 
Top Trefferzonen wo du deine Gegenspieler getroffen hast
Um Details zu sehen bewege dich über die Spielerfigur

Nr. Trefferzonen Killzähler
1 Lower Torso 1428
2 None 651
3 Upper Torso 596
4 Head 549
5 Upper left leg 325
6 Upper right leg 289
7 Lower left arm 159
8 Lower right leg 153
9 Lower left leg 142
10 Lower right arm 142
11 Upper right arm 127
12 Upper left arm 117
13 neck 91
14 Left foot 41
15 Left Hand 35
16 Right Hand 32
17 Right foot 25
Top Trefferzonen wo du von deinen Gegenspielern getroffen wurdest
Um Details zu sehen bewege dich über die Spielerfigur

Nr. Trefferzonen Killzähler
1 Lower Torso 1409
2 Head 725
3 Upper Torso 693
4 None 535
5 Upper right leg 315
6 Upper left leg 290
7 Lower right leg 218
8 Lower right arm 187
9 Lower left leg 154
10 Upper right arm 154
11 Upper left arm 138
12 Lower left arm 128
13 neck 106
14 Right Hand 52
15 Right foot 51
16 Left Hand 48
17 Left foot 42

Created 2005-2008 - By deltaray |  Ultrastats Version 0.2.142  Partners:  ClanWarz |  Your Link here? Page rendered in 0.1043 seconds  | Total DB Queries 29